Chakra Quiz

Take the quiz to uncover which of your chakras is in most need of healing. The results can offer valuable support for your healing journey and provide guidance on crystals and jewelry that can assist you along the way.

Chakra Quiz

For each statement, please place a number next to every phrase. Use the following system to rate yourself on each statement:

5= Most of the Time 4 = Often 3 = Sometimes 2 = A Little 1= Not at all

"*" indicates required fields

Root Chakra
Sacral Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra
Third Eye Chakra
Crown Chakra
Here are your quiz results!The higher the number the more that chakra needs attention. If your total score is less than 100 you're chakras are in good shape.
1st Chakra
2nd Chakra
3rd Chakra
4th Chakra
5th Chakra
6th Chakra
7th Chakra
For All Your Chakras
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