Create Your Own Healing Symbols – A Self Study Online Course
Discover Healing Talismans
Learn the art of creating personalized symbols, talismans, and amulets to effectively address your healing and spiritual needs.
Why Attend My Healing Talismans Workshop?
Psychology teaches us that most of our daily experiences are a result of unconscious material, working with symbols and images such as talismans and amulets allows us to communicate our desires directly with our unconscious mind.
Targeted Personalised Healing
If you practice Reiki, you already know the power of symbols in enhancing healing. Now, you can learn how to channel symbols that are specifically tailored to meet your needs and those of your clients. Even if you don’t practice Reiki, this method of channelling symbols can enhance your healing and complement any other healing modalities you may be using for yourself or others.
A Powerful Manifestation Technique
Manifestation is the process of turning our ideas and desires into reality. However, unconscious beliefs and conditioning can sometimes prevent us from manifesting our goals. Visual aids such as symbols, talismans, and amulets can be utilized in manifestation rituals to help reprogram the unconscious mind. These visual aids effectively communicate our goals to the unconscious mind in its preferred language.
Overcome Obstacles
Focusing only on the outcome when designing symbols, talismans, or amulets can lead to issues and cause you to overlook important information. Taking a deeper look into your intentions and goals helps you anticipate obstacles and limitations that may impede your success and allows you to grasp the essence of your desires and goals. This approach enables you to direct your symbols and rituals more effectively.
Healing Talismans Workshop Itinerary
All you need for this workshop is a blank notebook, and a pencil. You may also use digital devices to craft your talisman. An open mind is also helpful.
The self-study course provides maximum flexibility. You can study from the comfort of your home at a pace and time that suits you.
You will have access to comprehensive online materials as soon as you book this course. You’ll be guided through a series of lessons and exercises, including the opportunity to share your experiences and answer any questions you may have throughout the course.
The itinerary covers the following topics in the workshop:
- An introduction to Sigils, Talismans and Amulets
- The psychology behind symbols and images
- Reasons for creating your own symbols
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Identifying your true desires, and navigating potential obstacles
- Different methods of creating symbols
- The intuitive method of channelling symbols
- Channelling symbols from Deities and Spiritual Guides
- Creating a personal dictionary of symbols and images
- Charging and activating your symbols
- Turning symbols into amulets and healing talismans
- Combining methods and getting creative
- The Power of Rituals
- Different ways of working with symbols, talismans and amulets
- Practice creating at least one symbol, talisman and amulet
- Final Q&A and Resources for Further Learning
An Online Course
This is an online self-study program, you will need internet access and a computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone to complete this course.
Enorolment Date & Fee
This course costs £60 and is non-refundable as you will have immediate access to the digital content as soon as the course opens.
This course is open for enrollment from the 21st of March 2025. Spring Equinox is the perfect time to set our intentions and goals. A perfect time to begin your journey into healing with Talismans. Book now and get access to the course on the 21st of March 2025
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Create Unique Symbols, Talismans and Amulets
Learn how to create unique and powerful healing talismans to open up a world of possibilities and personal empowerment. If you’re ready to bring real magic into your life, book now and look forward to this exciting discovery workshop experience.
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