Grief is a natural, all be it, painful process. Grief is how we process the loss we feel when someone we love leaves us. This can be bereavement or separation of another kind. Everyone will process their grief differently; there is no right or wrong way to grieve. What is important is that you process those feelings to eventually experience the healing that will allow you to start living your life again. Complementary Therapies such as Reiki Healing, Crystal Healing and Shamanic Healing can provide incredible support for the grieving process.
Reiki can be a powerful tool for dealing with grief.
Reiki is a form of energy healing that uses universal energy channelled through the practitioner to help reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and support relaxation. In addition to these benefits, Reiki can also be a powerful tool for dealing with grief.
Reiki is not there to take the grief away but to support you through the process. And provides a profound sense of peace and comfort as you move through the various thoughts and feelings that may come with grief.
This can be incredibly comforting during a time when you may feel very alone. Reiki is also an excellent tool for helping us to heal from the pain that comes after losing someone close to us. It allows us to go through the stages of grief without feeling like we will be stuck forever with our pain.

Grief is a normal, natural response to loss.
Grief can feel overwhelming, completely consuming, and like the pain will never end. Many people will tell you that grief doesn’t ever go away; it just gets easier to manage. In some ways, this is true. However, I find that it transforms as we go through the various stages of grief and beyond. How it transforms and what it transforms into is unique to each person. Just as the time it takes to get a sense of coming through the worst varies for everyone.
The five stages of grief include denial, anger (other emotions), bargaining, depression and acceptance. You can also go through these stages several times over a period of time as your journey continues.
The memories you have won’t always cause emotional pain; there will come a time when you can recall memories and feel joy, connection, and love. This is especially true if we allow ourselves to fully process our grief, despite how painful it can be.
I’ve experienced several losses over the years, and each experience was unique. Each took a different length of time to process. There are many factors to our grief. The nature of our relationship with that person or animal. Other events or issues that are happening in your life and the lives of those close to you. The level of support you have available to you also makes a considerable difference.
Getting the support you need and giving support to others.
When we know someone grieving, we can often feel very awkward. What can I possibly say? What should or shouldn’t I say or do? There is only one thing you need to do, be who you’ve always been for that person, be you, be there, and if you feel awkward, say I don’t know what to say; what do you need from me right now, what can I do for you? Just let them know you are there. It is not your job to fix or even ease their grief but to support them as they go through it. Like standing by a toddler as they learn to work, they must learn to do it themselves but will be more confident knowing you are there to catch them if they fall.
If you are grieving and are not getting the support you want, don’t hesitate to ask your friends and family. They’ll probably be relieved to know there is something they can do to help you. Whether you have the support of your friends and family or feel you don’t, receiving professional support can be another valuable step in the healing process.
Grief can hit us anytime and anywhere; we can feel vulnerable and sometimes embarrassed if we break down in a public place. Rest assured that people get it. Most people of adult age will have experienced grief. It’s ok to let people know you are grieving, even if you don’t know them that well. You can also be clear about whether or not you want to talk about it or just for them to be aware.
You may find it useful to wear a black ribbon, the most universal symbol to let people know you are grieving.
When we experience loss, our bodies may enter the fight, freeze or flight response.
When we experience loss, our bodies may enter the fight, freeze or flight. Fight, freeze or flight is a stress response that begins with the release of adrenaline and other stress hormones. This response can be helpful when faced with dangerous situations, but it can also make us feel additional stress when grieving.
Adrenaline is released into the bloodstream, increasing heart rate and blood pressure as well as muscle tension, body temperature and blood sugar levels.
This temporary change helps you respond swiftly if you need to flee danger. However, it can leave you with additional challenges if you are grieving because these changes make it harder for you to cope with your feelings after a loss.
Tips to Reduce This Response.
A simple way to reduce this response in the body is to sip small quantities of water, eat tiny but regular meals or snacks and practice breathing techniques designed to regulate your system. Many apps, phones and smartwatches have breathing techniques for you to follow.
A simple method is called 7 – 11 breathing. This is where we breathe in for a proportionally shorter time than the length of time we breathe out. For example, think of an equilateral triangle. Breathe in as you imagine drawing one side and breathe out for the other two sides. You can repeatedly draw an imaginary triangle with your finger over your palm to help focus your breathing.
The death of a loved one can mean a significant change in your life. However, it takes time to cope with your loss and find ways to adapt.
The death of a loved one can mean a significant change in your life. It takes time to cope with your loss and find ways to adapt. Some people may need more time than others, but you must be patient with yourself as you grieve and learn what works best for you. You may want help from friends and family or find support groups online to guide you through the grief process. You may like to involve yourself in a charity or volunteer for an organisation that has a link with and a way to honour the life of the person you are grieving. At a later point, a life coach may be able to help you redirect your life and bring back a sense of meaning and purpose.
The benefits of using complementary therapies for grief and healing
Grief can be a painful and lonely process. You may feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and isolated as you try to cope with losing someone or something important to you.
Reiki is a powerful tool for dealing with grief. When grieving, it can feel like our world has been turned upside down and everything is falling apart. Reiki works by helping to restore balance within the body’s systems so that it can work more effectively in supporting us during this time. Regular Reiki treatments can, over time, help us to manage our emotions and cope with our loss. As a result, we become better able to move forward after a loss occurs.
Most energy-based healing techniques can support you during a bereavement. I recommend Reiki as a place to start because I have personally experienced its benefits during several losses. I’m not even sure now how I would cope without it. I’ve also witnessed the peace and support it has provided for many of my students and clients.
Complex Grief
In most cases, grief doesn’t need therapy; it simply needs to be processed, and you can benefit from being supported through that. However, on occasion, if the grieving process is complicated because of the nature of the relationship, or the event was especially traumatic or came with significant unfinished or unresolved issues. You may want to work with a suitable therapist to address these issues. I can offer this level of therapy in addition to the energy healing techniques I offer.
Tips for coping with grief.
- Acknowledge that you are grieving.
- Find ways to express your feelings.
- Let people know what you need.
- Give yourself time and space to heal.
- Find ways to honour the person you have lost.
- Be kind to yourself – especially around significant or seasonal events.
The grieving process is a unique experience for everyone. The loss of a loved one can be devastating and even traumatic, but it doesn’t have to be an isolating event in your life. Reiki and other holistic therapies can help you heal from your grief and find peace in the process.
I have a distance healing prayer book. Every night at 7 pm, healing prayers are sent to those listed in my book. If you’d like to be included, please let me know using the contact form below, as I will need your full name and location (just the town where you are based). I can also include the person who has died to assist them in a peaceful journey onward if you’d like; for this, please include their name and your relationship with them.
If you’d like to reach out to see if I can support you in any way through your grief, please get in touch.